Thursday 28 December 2017

There Is Power In Saying No

How many times have you gone to an event and really didn't want to? Or, your family or friends expects you to hang out for no special reason. In your head you didn't want to go. You start thinking of all the excuses you can to get out of going. But you end up going anyway's.

So now you're out and it's everything you thought it would be. You're uncomfortable. You're not having fun. Your friends ask what's wrong? You say nothing, I'm fine. But slowly over the course of the evening you become increasingly short with people. After awhile, it's abundantly clear you don't want to be there. Your friends say you should just go home. You do. Now you're really upset with them and, you've wasted the whole evening. Has this happened to you? When did we lose our ability to say no?

There is power in saying no. It's not rude or mean if you decline. No is a perfectly acceptable answer. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Saying no does not make one selfish. It makes you an adult. Imagine if we used the above scenario and said no from the start. You would have got to do what you wanted to do. You would not be upset that your friends made you go out. But are you really mad at them, or are you mad at yourself? You would have had a pleasant evening at home relaxing.

The power of saying no is freeing. There will be many times in your life when you are asked to do something and you don't want to. If it's something that you're on the fence about, maybe you should go ahead and do it. But if it's a "Hard No",don't go. There is no reason why you should and make yourself miserable. Not only that, but why run the risk of ruining everyone's time? Our friends and family know us. If we're feeling off, it will show. And they will call us on it.

When you find yourself in this situation, say no. Don't be mean about, but stick to you guns. You don't have to justify why you said no. Feeling bad for saying no is not healthy. When someone pressures you to do something that you don't want to do, you need to ask yourself "why are they being so persistent?" Remember the longer you stay engaged in the no conversation, you'll either give in, or get upset. Simply say no and be on your way.

There is power in saying no. And for those who do not say it, they will be resentful and have little time to themselves. Learn to thank them for the invitation. Then proceed to say no. If they love you, they'll understand. If they don't, perhaps they're not as close to you as you thought they were.


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